Advantages of Mechanized Transplantation over Traditional Transplantation

Transplantation Mechanized Method Treditional Method
Labor required 10 labors 30 to 35 labors
Plants per acre 2,40,000 to 3,00,000 1,40,000 to 1,80,000
2 plant spacing Plant spacing controlled (14 x 12 cm) Seedlings stand straight properly Plant Spacing Uncontrolled plants do not stand straight properly
Ventilation Due to uniform spacing, it keeps plant ventilated There is no space for ventilation
Labor efficiency 1 labor 4 to 5 guntas per day, less physical effort hence regularity in work 1 Labor 1 to 1.5 guntas per day, Physical exertion is high hence irregularity in work
Depth of plants Due to the scientific method of planting, the depth of the plant can be controlled so it does not die. Rate of mortality is less. Due to not getting the same depth, death occurs. Rate of mortality is more
Future opportunities In Future, there was scope for Mechanical Spraying, Weeding and Harvesting Mechanization is not possible for other work
Cost (acre) Labor + Diesel + Driver + Field Practices = 5,000 to 6,000 Labor + Field Practices 12,000 to 18,000